
"HotTake Game": Finalist, MIT Web-Dev Competition 2019

A modern humorous web-based game. My role: full-stack development and design. January 2019.

HotTake is a web-based modern idle card game built for remote millennial friend groups. We get the “meme” culture — meaning, this is one of those games you’ll actually play.

Each player is prompted to serve their friends "roasts", "bad advice", and "truth confessions" based on provocative prompts. Then, players scroll through their friends' "hottakes" on that prompt and vote for the most "savage" response.

The game is intended to hit on current millennial social trends and memes culture. It allows friend groups to bond through their inside jokes, even when they're remote from each other.

Try it out!

HotTake Game:

My Role: full-stack development and design, using:

Javascript | React.js | Node.js | MongoDB | Express | | Google Authentication | Heroku | Sketch | & more | link to Github

Feature Highlights

Persistent games saved to user’s Google-authenticated profile 💁 Real-time responses ⏱️ Game rooms 🎪 Supports unlimited simultaneous games ♾️ Experience designed for quick plays and easy pick ups 🔥 Sick CSS